Sunday, November 6, 2016

September Recap

September is here, but it is still warm, and there hasn't been very much rain. We've been enjoying watching TV (including a new show for us called Adam Ruins Everything) and eating the delicious dinners Courtney's been putting together. We've had sloppy joes, meat pinwheels, steak and veggie kabobs, chili, spaghetti, and egg and avocado sandwiches. I am very spoiled.

We've also been walking around the neighborhood and enjoying the changing leaves while listening to podcasts together or getting a bagel or coffee at Barnes and Noble down the road.

We sold the bed in the library since it took up so much space and had only really been used once. Now we have a nice sofa to sit and read books on..definitely a better use of the space.

Toward the end of the month, Courtney's friend Joy's parents, Stephen and Jan Smith, visited us on their way to Crater Lake. We took a small walk to show them the Willamette River and even did a bit of geocaching (Jan's hobby) in our own backyard! It was pretty fun and made us look at a familiar place in a new way.

The last weekend of this month, we drove up to Portland to visit our friends, Tara and Danny Godinez, and their children. I played soccer in the yard with their second grader, Isaiah, and Courtney went shopping with Tara. Our hotel was really nice and it was very fun to visit a new part of town. We were even able to go to a large Japanese grocery store called Uwajimaya and Japanese bookstore Kinokuniya (a chain Courtney went to in Japan!) while visiting. We got some delicious crackers called senbei and had almost finished the whole bag before coming home.

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