Saturday, August 13, 2016

June Recap

Hello all!

June was a very celebratory month. Most importantly, we celebrated our fourth wedding anniversary. We kept it low key with just a nice sushi dinner (where we conquered the giant Godzilla roll!) and movie (Finding Dory). Which I realize is a weird combination, but I mostly had unagi (eel) and eels aren’t in the film so I think it is okay. June was also the month of Father’s Day, Kelsea’s birthday, and Joy’s birthday (technically July 1st but still).

This past month was also one for crazy scheduling as Derek made forays into training for the morning position—sometimes going into work at 7pm, 3am, or 8am. He also worked two Sundays this month which made for even more interesting sleeping hours.

As for me, I did my usual things to keep busy. I started reading from a top ten list of classics. I’ve finished The Great Gatsby (liked it slightly more than I did in high school) and am about 60 pages into Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man. Also started Lolita (about 50 pages in) but am sort of too grossed out to keep reading at the moment.

I started really taking better care of my skin and teeth and going for walks while Derek is at work. I really hope I can keep up my healthy changes…and possibly drink more water (which I hate).
I’ve also restarted my facebook page after two years and reconnected with a few people, which is always awesome.

And last but not least, I’ve pulled out all of my summer clothes (bye to sweaters for now), washed them, and set aside specific ones for the upcoming July trip to Montana. Also have started compiling road trip cds (Derek’s job), and planning snacks and good things to pack. Our kitchen table is my command central and it looks like an explosion. 

That is about it for us—enjoy the pictures!

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