Sunday, March 13, 2016

February Recap

Hello to all!

I decided to take on this recap, and the first thing I want to say is that I have such a wonderfully sweet husband.

Because of his work schedule, our sleeping schedule is chaotic and the weekends don't always feel like weekends especially when most places close when we are getting up for the day! Occasionally we are able to go to a late movie or run a few errands, but mostly we are just in the apartment which can get pretty boring. Which is why, for no other reason than to surprise me, he planned a sunrise drive to a lake about a half an hour's drive away. It was so pretty so early in the morning! Didn't I tell you he was sweet?

We took pictures for you guys, I'll put them below. It was pretty chilly out--we're definitely going to have to come back when the weather is warmer. :)

Another couple activity we decided to do together is re-read the Harry Potter books. I had a bit of a head start and gave myself a handicap that was apparently too effective because he won--finishing the seventh book about twelve hours ahead of me.

For Valentine's Day this year we each got each other cards, while I got him candy and he got me an embosser. We are currently stamping and reorganizing our bookshelves in our library.

Lastly, I took some time to visit my family in Ohio and help prepare them to move. My mom bought herself a gorgeous house in Dublin and is finally ready to get out of the rental house they were in. Good thing too, because between my one sister's anime collection and my other sister's musical instruments, I bet my mom felt like she couldn't breathe. Because the closing took a bit longer than expected, I was only able to box stuff up and get the ball rolling while I was visiting. I'll be going back out to Ohio in April to help decorate and unpack boxes. We also went out to a nice dinner to celebrate Cambrie's seventeenth birthday a bit early.

Here are some pictures from our day at Fern Ridge Lake!

I think that is it for February...thanks for reading!

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