Tuesday, January 31, 2017

November Recap

It seems we've gotten a bit behind on the blog again.

What can you say about November? This is probably not exactly the right outlet to be political. So I'll just say that the election made me embarrassed to be an American.

Moving right along, then, there were a couple of weeks in November with some long hours at work while my department was short-staffed. And Courtney went through everything in our closets and found a lot of old clothes to sell. Whenever we had time to spare, we worked on putting more of our doll house together.

In mid-November, Courtney and I took a trip up to Portland and went to IKEA with Courtney's friend Tara. It was a nice little day-trip that helped us prepare for company on Thanksgiving.

My parents came up to visit for a long Thanksgiving weekend, and we had a great time. Thanksgiving dinner was delicious, and we had a lot of fun exploring the town and surrounding area. We visited Fern Ridge Lake, Florence, Heceta Lighthouse, and took a scenic drive down the coast. While I was working on Friday, Courtney and my parents drove around town and visited the Mount Pisgah Arboretum. We also met up with my dad's cousin Judy, who lives in the Eugene area. It was nice to get to know some nearby family.

And now, pictures!

The doll house is starting to take shape


Turkey brine preparation

Thanksgiving dinner

What a feast!

Mount Pisgah Arboretum

View from the Heceta Lighthouse

Pacific Ocean

A look at the bridge North of Coos Bay