Sunday, May 8, 2016

April Recap

Hello hello! 

I'm back in Oregon with lots of pictures of the month and my Ohio trip to share with you all!

For the most part my husband and I continue to be boring home bodies--mostly watching copious television, reading, and my current obsession of blaring the soundtrack to Hamilton (the hip-hop musical about the founding father). I feel like an amateur historian now--I know so much about the life of Alexander Hamilton. I'm pretty good at singing along too--I've memorized "Yorktown (the World Turned Upside Down)" which is no small feat. 

I spent two weeks in Ohio helping my family with the new house (pictured below), picking out prom stuff with Cambrie (also pictured below), and going on a mini road trip to Ft Wayne, Indiana for the Vera Bradley event with my best friend Joy. It was great visiting and being so busy :) Not to mention fun! 

As far as my other half goes, he says he doesn't have much news to report from the month of April. But there have been a few recent developments at work. First, the new Specimen Management night shift supervisor informed him that his position had been changed. So, instead of being a Lab Assistant, he's now a Referral Testing Technician. And this new position has a slightly higher base pay rate! So he got a raise by default! Hooray!

Also, he's been informed that at some point in May, he'll be training one of the new processors to do what he does in the reference department. That way there'll be someone to fill in when he can't be there. And he has been hearing that one of the people on the reference day shift is graduating soon and will be looking to move on to a new job. So there might be an opening soon! Crossing my fingers we can be awake normal hours together instead of living like mole people afraid of the sun!

Now on to pictures!

New month, new chalk board

Date Night!


Cute house huh? 
I actually took this on the way to the airport on my last day. 
It was snowing the first couple of days I was in Ohio!
Most of the house wasn't quite ready for pictures since there is still a lot of painting and unpacking to do, but while I was out, my Mom and I worked on this wall in the living room. 
I was able to change out the brass in the fireplace for the darker color, and whitewash the red brick. Meanwhile my mom painted the walls from a dark forest green to a calm gray and class up the 80's wood mantle and crown molding with a clean cream to go with the colonial look.
And look at this cute couple! 
This is Cambrie and her boyfriend Joe going to prom...
and it isn't pictured but my sister's shoes are periwinkle so it all matches so nicely! 
I helped make Cambrie's corsage and Joe's boutonniere out of ribbon and flowers we found at Michael's craft store. Plus I made her a necklace with periwinkle beads and pearls and used leftover beads glued into the flowers. She also has pearls in her hair. 
I'm sorry to embarrass her but she is just so cute and grown-up looking! I love her so much <3
(Shout out to Joy for her help with the glue gun situation)

My best friend Joy (since 2006--that's a decade guys!) and I on the road to Indiana. 
Shout out to her Aunt Josie and her gracious family for hosting us over night!
Walking out of the event (which was crazy and awesome) I happened upon this guy!

Lastly is this goofy girl. 
Dinah will be six this year--that's 42 in people years! 
And I have no idea why she's so interested in the hutch. 
There is nothing under there but a tool set. I checked.

I think that about does it for us here in Eugene! 
Hope all is well with you and yours.
Stay tuned for May's recap!