Thursday, December 3, 2015

Weeks Sixteen Through Nineteen

Not too much to report from the last month. We signed up for the free trial of HBO now, and enjoyed catching up on John Oliver and Bill Maher's shows. We also watched Family Tree, and rewatched Flight of the Conchords, both of which were very good and funny.

We also tried a new grocery store, Safeway, and liked it. We're still figuring out which places to go to for the best deals. It's all part of our continuing exploration and familiarizing ourselves with our new town.

Thanksgiving was quiet, with just the two of us, but it was still a great dinner. Courtney stayed up all night making it. We had turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, green bean casserole, corn, sweet potatoes, rolls, stuffing, grapes, mac 'n' cheese, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie. And to help serve it all, she used the very last of our unopened wedding gifts, a three-pot warmer. We're still working on the leftovers.

After dinner, we took a nap and then went out for some Black Friday shopping. It was nice to have stores accommodating our schedule for a change. And, since we were out so much later than most of the other shoppers, it wasn't even that busy.

This weekend we went out to see the last Hunger Games movie, Mockingjay Part 2. It was a really good movie, though a bit surreal to see Phillip Seymour Hoffman's last performance. He was in so many of our favorite films; it's sad to know he won't be in another.

Work has been going well. I've taken over the reference department's evening shift now that my trainer has gone to days. It's a lot of responsibility, and it's been somewhat overwhelming at times having to handle things on my own. But I've received some positive feedback on my work from my fellow reference workers. So I think I'm doing well.

That's all for know. We're looking forward to our upcoming Christmas trip. We'll see you all then!

P.S. Stay tuned to the next post for Courtney's 2015 reading list!